When you imagine the post-secondary education you’ll fund with a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP), you may first think of a university or college
Tax season is approaching, which means looking for credits and deductions to pay less tax wherever possible. However, other opportunities are available to save
Events in your life or changes involving the person you designated may call for a review of your executor—also known as a liquidator, estate trustee or personal
Whenever you have a chance to defer paying tax, a common thought is, “Why pay tax now when I can pay it later?” However, there’s more to the story than simply
The day may come when your parents find it more difficult to take care of their financial matters. Your help can make a difference, whether it’s in the form of
Recently, a British Columbia resident discovered they had unknowingly been paying another person’s cell phone bill for five years. That’s the sort of false
Wealth planning doesn’t retire when you do—it just changes. Now financial life is largely about making the most of the wealth you’ve accumulated. You’ll be
As an individual, you can save tax by using credits, deductions, exemptions and registered investment accounts. As part of a couple or family, you have
It’s a challenge no one minds facing: determining what to do if a lump sum comes your way. With a smaller windfall, the decision often focuses exclusively on